Factors that contribute to health challenges in Lawrence County

Lawrence County Health Department utilized the community survey developed by the Kentucky Academy of Science (AOS) group as part of the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan to assess the thoughts and opinions of individual citizens in Lawrence County on topics of health concerns, community strengths, and community risks.

The survey identified the following risk factors that affect health in the community:

  • Substance misuse
  • Poor eating habits
  • Lack of a livable wage
  • Lack of exercise
  • Limited access to healthy foods
  • Housing insecurity
  • Tobacco use
  • Access to healthcare; among others

The top reported health problems are obesity, mental health, overdose, and chronic diseases (cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke). Strengths of the community include good place to raise children, low crime, safe neighborhoods, good schools, and access to healthcare.

Forty-eight percent of respondents see Lawrence County as somewhat unhealthy and 26% see the county as very unhealthy. Most respondents say their health is either good (41.2%) or fair (31.5%).